Friday 10 May 2013

Fishing freshwater prawns in Lundu, Borneo

Fishing local freshwater prawns at this jetty in Lundu. Lundu is
less than 100km from Kuching, Sarawak.

or at this old wharf
Local freshwater prawns

The baits commonly used here are small live prawns

These small prawns can be easily caught by using a net like this (just lower the net down to the floor of the river and leave it for more than 10 minutes than pull it up). Use the smaller prawns for fishing big prawns. The bigger baits can be used for fishing fish.

Another method of catching small prawns is go to a small drain during high tide( by pushing a scoop net from side to side and pull it up).

The best time to fish prawns here is early in the morning or evening when the tide is just moving in.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Grow your own sweet leaves-stevia, eat less sugar

Sweet leaves plants- lippia dulcis.
Another sweet leaves plant -stevia

These are grown from seeds.
 Sweet leaves plants can also be grown from stem cuttings.

The leaves can be dried and used in making drinks sweet. 3-4 dried leaves should be enough for a cup of coffee or tea. For a healthier life eat less sugar.

Monday 18 March 2013

Grow your own moringa trees, make your own moringa tea

This is a moringa tree
A moringa tree

with white flowers
The fruits are long , resemble long beans but thicker.
The mature seeds can be easily sown in polybags.
Chose strong and healthy seedlings and transplant them to the field or garden.
A young tree at 2 months old.
This tree can also be easily grown by cutting a branch and plant it directly into the garden.

A cutting planted vertically (2 months old)
Three months after planting ,some of the leaves can be cut and dried under the sun for 2-3days.
Take about 2 teaspoonful of dried leaves for making a cup of tea.

Thursday 14 March 2013

How to propagate small water lily plants?

A few years ago a friend gave me this pot of small water lily plants.

 Last year I heard Eannelee, , mentioned that water lily plants could be propagated from leaves. I took a leaf with a grwing point as shown below

 It was planted in a small container with some soil and water

A few days later a new shoot appeared.

At 2 weeks old the new plant grew bigger.
 It was transplanted to a small pond. It grew up ,into a new plant, bigger than the mother plant and producing bigger flowers too.

Thank you for visiting this post.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Wild plants in my garden

There are many wild plants in my garden. Just show you some pictures.
 some pitcher plants(猪笼草)。Most of these plants are allowed to grow in this garden to help control insect pests.

It is a useful plant and we like to eat the tender bamboo shoots.
shrubby dillenia

palm grass (大叶仙茅)
The leaves of this grass can be split into small long pieces, dried and used as strings for tying plants to stakes.

                                                             edible wild mushrooms (可以食用的野菇)