Friday 10 May 2013

Fishing freshwater prawns in Lundu, Borneo

Fishing local freshwater prawns at this jetty in Lundu. Lundu is
less than 100km from Kuching, Sarawak.

or at this old wharf
Local freshwater prawns

The baits commonly used here are small live prawns

These small prawns can be easily caught by using a net like this (just lower the net down to the floor of the river and leave it for more than 10 minutes than pull it up). Use the smaller prawns for fishing big prawns. The bigger baits can be used for fishing fish.

Another method of catching small prawns is go to a small drain during high tide( by pushing a scoop net from side to side and pull it up).

The best time to fish prawns here is early in the morning or evening when the tide is just moving in.

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